There is WiFi in your apartment. Each apartment has a router located in the kitchen, in the meter cupboard. The log-in details are found in the meter cupboard.
How do I report an internet outage?
Is your internet not working? If so, please contact ZCC-IT, the Internet customer service centre. ZCC-IT can be reached on weekdays between 09:00 and 17:00, at 026 -351 47 64. You can also reach them via WhatsApp at 026 - 351 47 64. Via WhatsApp, they can be reached between 08:00 and 20:00.
Are you reporting a fault?
Then describe what the exact problem is. In doing so, it is also helpful to provide the following details:
- Your name
- Your address
- Your room number
- What light does the Accesspoint give off? If the light does not give off a continuous blue light describe what light you see
- Description of the problem How many devices are affected by this?
- How many users have this problem? (If possible, ask fellow tenants if they are experiencing the same problems.)
- If possible, attach any photos of your problem or the message that accompanies it.
Add webapp to your home screen
- Click on:
- Click on "Add to home screen."
- Click on the "Add" button.
- The web app is now on your home screen.