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Are you an international Short Stay student of the HAN University of Applied Sciences (HAN) or Radboud University (RU) or Van Hall Larenstein University (VHL)? 

The start date and end date of you lease is fixed. It is not possible to end your rental contract before the end date of your contract. There is one exception, for Radboud University students only. The conditions will be mentioned in the rental agreement. 

In some cases it is possible to transfer the contract to someon else ('indeplaatsstelling'). The conditions for this, are also found in your contract. 

You can find information about the rules that apply to you, in your own rental contract.

Please first check article 7 of your rental contract. In this article you can read if you can terminate your contract and as of which date. Can you terminate your agreement? And do you want to terminate your agreement? Please fill out the termination form on our website. 


Final check up
Before your departure the common areas and your room need to be checked by your caretaker. We will inform you when he will do this.


Are you looking for a room after your rental contract has ended? 
You can respond to the available rooms yourself. You can find these rooms on our website.
Please note; these rooms are not furnished!

Are you an international Short Stay student of the Radboud University (RU)?

If you have lived in Nijmegen for more than 3 months, it is likely that you have registered with the Municipality of Nijmegen.


Report your departure
As a registered resident of the Municipality of Nijmegen, you have to report your departure. Attached you will find more information.
